State of The Art in iFinancing

State of The Art in iFinancing

Grab only the modules that fit to your organization needs, it’s simple, cost effective and easier to maintain.

What is Microservices Architecture?

The microservices architecture style is an approach for developing small services each running in its process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. It enables the continuous deployment and delivery of large, complex applications.

Why Microservices Architecture?

The idea behind microservices is that some applications can easily build and maintain when they are broken down into smaller applications which work together. Each component is continuously developed and separately managed, and the application is then the sum of its constituent components.

Benefits of Adopting Microservices
  1. Flexibility

    Code for different services can be written in different languages.

  2. Security

    There are security standards that can be used to communicate with other modules or external third-party applications.

  3. Scalability

    In microservices, we can horizontally scale web server and database server as each module has its own user interface and database.
    Easy to scale and integrate with third-party services.

  4. Testing

    Easier to do testing compared to monolith architecture, as the scope of testing becomes narrow. System testing can also be performed without having user interface.

  5. Enhancement

    Microservices architecture gives IT developers hassle free integration, it can communicate and transfer data from one module to another through API.
    Streamline the learning curve for IT developers, thus can help a new team member to learn faster and become productive as a team member.

  6. Fault Isolation

    One failed service does not bring down the entire system, other services will continue to work.